
Showing posts from September, 2014


‘Art can be auctioned, not the loyalty of your dog.’


‘Time and Choice were the two ladies smiling at you when your man proposed you, but, sadly, you looked at the diamond ring and gave all the credit to Destiny the Dog.


'He spent half his lifetime in tying the perfect knot for his shoes, the other half in hiding his receding hairlines. She spent half her lifetime in making the perfect braid, the other half in finding the perfect shoes.'


' When the waters of the sea, when the sky on the space, when the time inconsiderate will be like me, then I know you will get a clue of what I mean. But, obvious, if that was so then, I can see the environmentalist and the physicist taking care of me.’


‘I love your acne and those big pimples. I love your body odour, your bad breath and the stinky smell of your feet. I love your hair falls and the dandruffs along with it. I love your yellow teeth and your crack heels. I love you despite your faults and poorest of hygiene, because in all these I see money. Love, Body and Healthcare Shop around the corner.’  


‘ The ladies who have been into serial failed relationship will understand it better. In the beginning, he smells like spices, wine, cigar and chocolate but in the last chaotic days, he stinks like socks, medicine, vinegar, newspaper and mahogany. But we renew our strength to run from him with dignity without using the nose mask.’


‘If your life is like a meaningless poem, then put some music, it will turn into a song.’